Braughing and Standon N gauge layout

Braughing & Standon N gauge layout

The layout is based on two actual stations that formed part of the Buntingford Branch line in Hertfordshire, affectionately known as 'The Bunt', which was closed to passengers in November 1964 and goods traffic in September 1965 as a result of the Beeching cuts. It was a small branch line, only 13.8 miles in length, which ran down from St Margarets to Mardock, Widford, Hadham, Standon, Braughing, Westmill and terminated at Buntingford.

The layout is modelled to the 1963 & 1964 period, when steam had been replaced by diesel and where the neglected line was close to its final demise. I have tried to build my layout with as much accuracy as possible, to faithfully reflect the real thing, therefore I have resisted to add anything that would feel out of place. My only concession was to move the River Rib closer to the track lineside than in reality and to also 'invent' a working farmhouse between the stations - this was added to create some visual interest yet remain faithful to the actual agricultural landscape typical of this part of Hertfordshire during the period modelled.

Today there is nothing left to indicate that Standon station ever existed other than perhaps a few lineside posts in the hedgerows to the south of the A120, adjacent to the industrial buildings that still stand in another form. However, the flour mill still exists but long since converted into residential appartments - the same flour mill that is now depicted in my own layout. Braughing station, however, still very much exists as a private residence owned by the grandson of the last active station master before closure.

The platforms, waiting rooms, porters hut, original fencing all still exist, plus the signal box has been rebuilt albeit with a brick lower section. The station booking hall and station masters house also remain and are clearly distinguishable despite some sympathetic modifications towards making this a more comfortable modern day home.

Having gained approved access to the remaining Braughing station grounds and also the vast photograph collection of

The Buntingford Railway and Local History Society, this enabled accurate scaling and reference images with which I could scratch build every building, bridge and landscape element on my layout.